This week in our Wellbeing Journey we’re exploring the issue of our Spiritual Wellbeing. During the Gathering we spent some time thinking about three key topics:

  • The Place of Encounter
  • The Word of the Lord
  • Listening for the Whisper


Below are some ideas & resources to assist you as you seek to connect with God, spend time with Him, receive from Him, and increase your spiritual well-being. Explore these different exercises/pathways that you might find helpful in developing your relationship with God:

  • Read and reflect on Scripture – expect God to speak to you (try Lectio Divina)
  • Journal – write down your reflections from your daily experiences and your time in the Bible, recording what you sense the Lord is saying to you (try Bible Journaling)
  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer – taking a phrase at a time as a guide (try praying it really slowly)
  • Pray other prayers that are recorded in the Bible – such as the Old Testament Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10) and the New Testament prayers of the apostle Paul (Ephesians 1:17-19; Ephesians 3:16-19).
  • Pray in the Holy Spirit – no words required, allow the Spirit to hear your emotions, sing your own song (Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 14:14-15; Ephesians 6:18)
  • Sing worship songs to God – there are many great resources to aid you in this (RBC Lockdown Worship songs)
  • Pray the Prayer of Awareness, or ‘Examen’ (try Praying the Examen)
  • Pray set prayers or ‘offices – these can be especially helpful when you’re in a difficult time and struggle to find your own words to pray (try C of E Prayers)
  • Spend time in solitude and silence – learning to be still, pausing to either meditate on Scripture or just bask in God’s loving presence