At last week’s Church Members’ meeting we announced that our annual Week of Prayer will take place from 20th-26th February.
We’ll launch into the week of prayer next Sunday where in our morning Gathering we’re continuing our ‘Growing Confidence’ theme with ‘Prayer’ and in the evening we have an Encounter Gathering focussed on prayer.
From Monday to Friday there will be daily prayer meetings; an in-person meeting at RBC at lunchtime, and an online meeting via Zoom in the evening.
On Saturday there will be a Prayer Walk in the morning for RBC Women, and one in the afternoon for RBC Men. Details will be shared in due course.
It is important for us to prioritise connecting with God, and whilst we can pray on our own wherever we are and whenever we have time, it can be especially powerful to be together when praying. But we know that those times won’t work for everyone’s work or family lives. We also want to encourage you to gather together to pray with others at times which are convenient to you. Get together with a few friends and go for a prayer walk around your area, meet in your homes, or even in your favourite coffee shop.
We’ve produced a resource booklet which we hope will be helpful through the week. It introduces the theme of the week of prayer, daily verses and prayer pointers, along with a brief overview of some of our recent teaching series. There’s also plenty of space for you to make notes of what God is saying to you, and information about how to share that with us so we can hear & discern together what God is saying to RBC.
Our Week of Prayer has always been a really significant marker in the year and a time when God has spoken really clearly to us in the past – even if it takes some time for us to truly realise what He was revealing.
The two comments below were made after the 2020 week of prayer:
gathers to wait and hear from God together.“
and encouraging week.“
We’re excited to spend time in prayer, and listening to what God has in store for us!