If I could grant you an audience with anyone in the world, alive or dead, to talk with over a meal, who would you choose? There are some people we would just love to spend time with, chat with and listen to.
We have the opportunity to spend time in Jesus’ presence every day and yet we can so often neglect it. It’s not usually a deliberate choice just that Jesus gets squeezed out by everything else. I don’t say that to make you feel guilty, or because I’ve got it all together. Read a short reflection about how I felt the Lord challenge me about this last week.
If we were offered an audience with the Queen, or Stephen Fry (or whoever you said in response to my opening question) we’d never say ‘I’m too busy’ – we’d put everything else aside and make ourselves available. We’d never pass up the opportunity to spend time with a lost loved one.
But we can often neglect to spend time with Jesus.
We have the absolute privilege of an audience with Jesus – every day, anywhere you like, everywhere you need, no excuse. Arguably that’s true now more than ever as our daily/weekly routines are altered beyond our comprehension. Especially in these difficult times, we get to choose what our ‘new normal’ will look like. We can choose to create new habits (or develop existing ones) which will serve us and our families well for the days, weeks & months ahead.
With that in mind, we want to share with you some free resources we believe will help you to invest in your relationship with Jesus.
Highlight or Bookmark your favourite verses, make Verse Images that you can share, and attach public or private Notes to Bible passages. Bible Plans help you engage with God’s Word every day, a little at a time, on your own or read along together.
Many phrases in the English language have originated from the Bible, such as ‘given up the ghost’, or ‘Pride comes before a fall’. Glen Scrivener, takes one phrase at a time, and unpacks spiritual truths.
Watch as John Piper explores Scripture, mining every line for all it’s worth; each a mini Bible study with a Biblical scholar.
An animated storybook app for phones and tablets with colourful illustrations and touch-activated animations; Games and activities help kids remember what they learn.
A digital environment for 8 to 11-year-olds that combines the excitement and creativity of a high-spec online game with an immersive experience of Bible content and faith formation.
Spring Harvest at Home [13th-17th April]
Unfortunately this year’s Spring Harvest festival has been cancelled, but instead they’re taking the festival online and making it accessible to everyone from their homes. Join them from 13-17th April for ‘Bible teaching, live worship, specialist seminars and workshops and some light-hearted sofa viewing’.
Dwell is ‘a new audio Bible app that keeps Scripture in your ears and on your heart’. This is a great way to hear and meditate on the word.
We hope you find these useful as you seek to invest in your relationship with the Lord. But don’t neglect to pick up your paper Bible – our prayer is that these apps & websites will help to develop your love for the Lord and His Word.
If you regularly use other resources which you think may benefit others, please let us know and we’ll pass them on (and probably use them ourselves).