Coming Soon in 2024!
The Base is was an independent building which is was part of Rayleigh Baptist Church. It has previously served the Church and the community well, from its construction as the British School in 1864 predating compulsory education through to the addition of vital facilities (kitchen & toilets) in the 1930s and an additional upper room added in the late 1960s.
But we are in the process of restoring and extending the building, and re-establishing it as a welcoming & flexible facility for the benefit of the community!

We are in the process of refurbishing the building, adding a small extension remodelling the internal space, and connecting it to the main Church building.
The remodelling will create a light and welcoming building, and increase the flexibility of the spaces available for hire.
Whilst the newly redeveloped building will be widely used by the Church’s organisations & activities, the building will primarily be run for the benefit of the community.

We have a vision to see the spaces and facilities used for activities supporting and promoting mental health & wellbeing, counselling, parenting & family support including foster carers.
Beyond just hiring agreements we will continue to work in partnership with community groups & organisations (both current and new), building relationships with them and their members.

We are currently home to a number of community services and activities including Keep Fit Classes, Playaway Parent/Toddler Group and Youth & Children’s clubs.
In addition, there are a range of church run activities which also serve the wider community and will use the new facilities including Community Cafe, Wellbeing Space, Bereavement Support/Friendship Groups, support for Carers and the Cared For and Seniors activities.