Are you a Carer? We want you to know
‘You are not alone’
Caring can often be likened to a ‘roller coaster ride’
Our aim is to support you through the ups and downs of Caring, simply put “You Care – We Care”
Our activities and events are run to help combat loneliness and isolation, helping Carer’s in making social connections, meeting with others who share a common factor ‘They Care’
Carers Cafe
Carer’s Café was established in 2005, with the aim of helping to make a difference in improving the Wellbeing of Adult Carers. Everyone faces an individual situation, when meeting together feelings shared can often be the same, they may be experiencing: Anger, depression, exhaustion, fear, guilt isolation or even resentment.
Run by the RBC ‘Caring 4 You’ Team, most of whom are or have been Carer’s themselves they are dedicated to ‘Caring for You’.
Carer’s Café is held in the Church Lounge on the 1st Saturday of each month (starting at 10.30am) and aims to provide you with a haven of Hope, support and understanding, specifically intended to empower Carer’s in their individual situations, we can refer and signpost on to specific support services for meeting individual needs – or you may just want to come and simply relax over a cuppa.
Your role is a valuable one and taking regular time out is paramount to your Wellbeing.
Coffee Morning
Carer’s & Cared For Coffee Morning meets on the 3rd Friday of each month (starting at 10.30am), an opportunity to come along with the loved one you care for.

Queens Award
In 2017 the Carers Team were presented with the prestigious Queens award for Voluntary Services, recognising outstanding contributions to local communities by groups of volunteers.